Shadow Work is Sexy

psychology self help shadow shadow self shadow work social media Mar 19, 2024
Shadow Work Self

It's the 'sexy' buzz word of the times: the SHADOW. I've scrolled through different social media platforms and there are hundreds of posts circulating on the topic from professional psychologists to lay people.  

I realized quickly that people understand the general concept of the shadow but if you ask them to describe how it works in relation to the ego, they aren't able to explain much more beyond the basic definition.  

Honestly, as a psychotherapist it is comforting and exciting to know that people are growing in willingness to discuss topics of mental health, and still deeper the topic of psychoanalysis, which is the category of shadow work. 

I explain the topic to clients in sessions using diagrams, videos, and in-depth discussion and they still ask me to repeat what I said multiple times! It's simple in description but gets more complicated when applying to progress your life.

Again, I want to reiterate that I and many others in my industry are elated that the stigma of mental and emotional wellness is slowly lifting in mainstream spaces. We still have a long way to go. 

What is most helpful to all is to circulate accurate information. Knowledge is also most useful when APPLIED. Social media influencers or people who have heard about shadow work believe that the process of shadow work is solely about listing fears and dislikes about the self in a journal. They aren't wrong; however, there is more to the process than just journaling. Knowledge needs context and depth. 

The shadow is ONE part of the mind that needs reprogramming and restructuring to achieve integration or wholeness of the mind. What that can look like in the real world is unapologetic acceptance of who you are, improved decision-making, more authentic relations with others, and clearly defined life goals, among many other potential outcomes. 

I've witnessed so many people shift their lives, and I have achieved the shift in my own. There are several more steps than just writing fears in a journal. If you choose to work with me as your coach, I not only make sure you understand the concept, but more importantly can apply it in ways that will change your life significantly and permanently. Oh, and yes, magnetic AND sexy!